Perth LARP – First Game

Posted on May 28, 2012 by

On Sunday, May 20th, we had the first game of Perth LARP over in Oakford (just off Thomas Road).

There were 11 Humans, 8 Elves and 11 Orcs in play and what a day it was! We ran through a variety of scenarios designed to test our home-made rule system – and this went relatively smoothly – given that our StoryTellers have quite a wealth of experience in Re-enactment, Tabletop Roleplaying and LARPing between them. The next game will be on Sunday July 8th. Join our Facebook page to find out more:

Pictures by myself and Kristen Blake.

Category: Uncategorized | 5 Comments

5 responses to “Perth LARP – First Game”

  1. Ryan says:

    Hi I’m 13 and I would like to join is there a age requirement because I love role play but I have no one to do it with so I would lick to can I please

  2. Willow says:


    I’m 15 years old and I have tried to do some research into LARPing but I was unable to find anything, but I’ve always liked the idea of LARP. I’ve decided I’d like to take a shot at it, I’m just wanting to know a few things. I was wondering with your games if people could come and watch until I actually full-on jump into this because I don’t want to get into something that I’m way over my head!!
    Also would you have any tips for newer LARPers, because of my RPs online, I get the idea but I know it’ll be a lot different from typing!!
    Thanks!! 🙂

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